I2C Multimedia Project
Please note, this won’t look much good on anything other than a landscape display—i.e. desktop or iPad etc.—sorry mobile users.
Many years ago, I worked with AFES Victoria and Mustard Schools ministry to produce a Flash-vased CD-Rom for an evangelistic event at the Melbourne Forum. It was complicated project and had its share of technical challenges. Our video quality was pretty low too (as you will see if you run it). But it was a lot of fun to make and I learned a lot. I loved talking to the staff and students who contributed. And I enjoyed working with the very clever Josh Johnston who built the rotating-cross animation (you can see I was still in my post-architecture phase).
Overall, I think the content still holds up pretty well, even though the technology is very out of date. Since we can now run Flash content without plugins, I have set it up to run below for those who are interested.
Andrew Moody
Andrew Moody lives and writes in Melbourne, Australia. He sometimes works as a lay theologian, sometimes as a graphic designer, and was the inaugural editor of The Gospel Coalition Australia from 2016 to 2023.* Andrew is married to Jenny and they have two grown-up children.
* You can see some more of his old TGCA posts here.

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